What Should I Do If the API is Deleted in Binance?& What Should I Do If the API Expires?

Scenario 1:

uTrading has running robots, but I have deleted the API on the exchange.


First, go to Binance APP to regenerate the new API. Then fill in the new API information in the [API Binding] of the [Home] and click the [Edit] button. After the edition is successful, everything will return to normal.

Scenario 2: The running robot displays the prompt “Pause: Invalid API key operation permission“, or the robot automatically stops and displays “API expired or no permission“.


First of all, Binance’s API is valid for transactions within 60 days, and Okx’s API is valid for transactions within 30 days. If it has expired, you need to go to the exchange to regenerate the API.

Then click [Edit] in [API Binding] on the [Home] page, fill in the [API Key] and [API SecretKey], and click the [Edit] button again, and everything will return to normal after the edition is successful.

Last updated