Kucoin - API Import Guide

Please follow the instructions in the pictures below:

Step 1: Generate Your API key

1.1 Sign into your Kucoin account with app and click on [User Icon] in the upper right corner on [Kucoin] page. As follows:

1.2 On the [User Icon] page, and then click on the [API Management]. As follows:

1.3 On the [API Management] page, and then click [Create API]. As follow:

1.4 Open the page [Create API], Configure according to the instructions in the figure below. As follow:

1.5 Open the page [Create API], You must check [Spot Trading], and [Futures Trading]. As follow:

1.6 Open the page [Create API], Check [Yes], Fill in the IP group of the uTrading server, and click [Add], Last click [Next]. As follow:

IP group of the uTrading server (Please copy and paste all the above IPs at once.),,,,,,,,,

1.7 On the [Security Verification], click [Confirm] after filled. As follow:

1.8 At this point, the API-Key creation have completed, do not close the current page, and you will need to copy the Access Key and Secret Key later. As follow:

2.1 Open the uTrading APP, enter the [Home] page, and click [API Binding]. As follow:

2.2 Enter the [API Binding] page, and then click [Kucoin]. As follow:

2.3 Open the API import page, paste the [API Key], [Secret Key] and [Passphrase] from the Kucoin into uTrading, click [Import] after filled. As follow:

Success! If you have successfully completed these steps, the status will show as "API is running normally".

Last updated