Privacy Portal

Effective Date: Jun 18, 2024.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to uTrading (the “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). It outlines the types of personal information we gather when you use uTrading’s services and the steps we take to safeguard it. By registering for and using the Platform, you agree to the handling of your personal information as described in this Policy and the User Agreement. If you do not wish for your personal data to be used as outlined in this Privacy Policy, you may not use the uTrading app, services, technologies, products, or features offered by the uTrading Platform (“Platform”). This Privacy Policy applies to all Personal data processing activities carried out by us, across platforms, websites, and social media of uTrading.


Personal Data Means any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.This includes information you provide to us, and information we obtain from third parties,such as name, phone number, location data, email address, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, economic, cultural or social identity of you as a natural person.

Virtual Financial Asset (VFA) Means a digital financial instrument, also known as a "convertible virtual currency," "cryptocurrency," "digital currency," "digital commodity," or "digital payment token." Like Bitcoin or Ether, based on cryptographic protocols. It can be (i)centralized or decentralized, (ii)closed or open-source, and (iii) used as a medium of exchange and/or store of value.

2.What Personal Data We collect and process?

uTrading collects, processes, and stores Personal Data obtained from you through your use of the Service or with your consent. This Personal Data may include contact details, as well as information related to your device or internet service (such as IP address and MAC number).

We collect information you provide during your use of the uTrading Platform, whether the process is completed, incomplete, or abandoned. We also collect Personal Data when you communicate with us, subscribe to marketing communications, correspond with us by phone, email, or other channels, or conduct transactions on the uTrading Platform. We may actively or automatically collect, use, store, or transfer your Personal Data, which may include, without limitation, the following:

(a) The e-mail addresses;

(b) Aggregate information concerning what pages users access or visit;

(c) Information given by the user (such as survey information and/or site registrations);

(d) Information related to your use of the Website and/or the mobile application, including IP address, Device ID, geographic location, and date and time of your request;

(e) Any other information that you might provide voluntarily. We might also collect your Wallet ID if you decide to participate in one of our campaigns.

We collect certain types of information automatically whenever you interact with us or use our services, to the extent permitted under applicable law. This information helps us address customer support issues, enhance the performance of our sites and services, improve your user experience, and safeguard your account by detecting unauthorized access.


We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your user experience, provide our services.

3.1 Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers. While you access uTrading,we may use the industry practice of placing a small amount of data that will be saved by your browser (“Cookies”).

3.2 This information helps us recognize you as a customer and collect information about your use of uTrading to better customize our services and better your experience. We may also use the information collected to ensure compliance with our rules, and to ensure your account security has not been compromised by detecting irregular, suspicious, or potentially fraudulent account activities.

3.3 Most browsers are setup to accept cookies automatically. You have the option to decline the use of our Cookies, but this may affect the functionality of the Services or your user experience.

4.How we use your personal Data

Our primary purpose in collecting personal data is to provide our services in a secure, efficient, and seamless manner. We generally use your personal data to deliver, operate, and enhance our services, as well as for content and advertising, loss prevention, and anti-fraud purposes.

We may also use this data to communicate with you regarding other products or services offered by uTrading and/or its partners. We do not share your personal data with third parties (other than partners in connection with their services to uTrading) except where you have given your consent, as further detailed below.

We may share your Personal Data with third parties:

(a) if we think that sharing it is necessary to enforce the Terms of Service;

(b) to comply with government agencies, including regulators, law enforcement and/or justice departments;

(c) to third parties who provide services to uTrading (such as administration or technical services);

5.Security of Your Personal Information

We have implemented reasonable precautions, consistent with applicable laws and regulations, to protect the Personal Information we collect from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. To ensure the security of Personal Information and account access, we employ multiple security measures, including:

5.1 Physical Measures. Materials containing your personal information will be stored in a locked place. Your personal information will only be stored in the physical form under special circumstances. 5.2 Electronic Measures. Computer data containing your personal information will be stored in the computer systems and storage media that are subject to strict login restrictions. 5.3 Management Measures. Only authorized employees are permitted to come into contact with your personal information and such employees must comply with our internal confidentiality rules for personal data. 5.4 Technical measures. We may use encryption technology to pass your personal data. 5.5 Other measures. Our network servers are protected by a variety of security measures.

Please note that despite our efforts, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. Therefore, all users are responsible for independently taking precautions to protect personal information.

If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, you should immediately contact uTrading team. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or compromised user credentials or for any unauthorized activity on your account using your credentials.

You agree that we shall not be liable for any information leakage or losses not caused by our intentional misconduct or gross negligence, including but not limited to hacker attacks, power interruptions, or unavoidable technical failures, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

6.Restrictions for Minors

uTrading does not knowingly allow anyone under the age of 18 to use our services. If you become aware of anyone under 18 using our services, please notify us so we can take prompt action to prevent their access.

7.Retention of Your Personal Information

We retain your information as long as necessary to provide the requested services, subject to legal obligations. Information associated with your account will be kept until it is no longer needed for service provision or until your account is deleted, whichever comes first.

Additionally, we may retain information from deleted accounts to comply with legal requirements, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, troubleshoot issues, assist with investigations, enforce the Terms of Use, and undertake other actions permitted by law. All retained information will be managed according to this Privacy Policy.

8.Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our business changes regularly, and any future changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Please check back regularly for updates. As stated above, your continued use of uTrading and its services signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these changes.


This Privacy Policy may be published in different languages. In case of any discrepancy, please refer to the English version.

10.Contact uTrading about Privacy Policy

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the use of your Personal Data, please contact us by sending an email to the following address:

Last updated